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Thursday, January 12, 2012

How Computers Help in Education

It's difficult to imagine a time before computers when communication,grades and lessons were completed manually. Computers have affected education in significant ways like grading and motivation.

Grade books are now online so the percentages and individual weights for assignments are calculated by a computer to decrease the possibility of error. Parents and students can view the grades from home with an assigned username and password. Programs like IG Pro and Power School save the professors valuable time.

Computers bridge home and school as kids showcase their technological expertise and gain a sense of accomplishment. The computers increase the student's desire to learn about a particular topic.

The software created for kids is fun. The tedium of rote memorization is replaced with interactive math and reading games. Puzzles and higher order thinking games encourage students to solve problems.

Critics say " technology schmectology " believing that computers are similar to television and movies. Computers are viewed as time fillers that take away from productive learning time. The more parents are informed about computers, the more receptive they are to technology.


Montaxx said...

I heard about it. Maybe someday teachers will accept it >.>

minecraft129 said...

We need to be teaching our students more technologically6 based classes other than typing :P

Cranky and Difficult said...

Yes yes yes. Stop boring them with 1980s lessons and lectures and get the kids involved with software and demonstrations and virtual labs!

Anonymous said...

Great article , ive never been a big fan of tablets but maybe now ill give them an article :D

DWei said...

Wish I had this kind of technology when I was a kid. :P

BragonDorn said...

I remember our high school still had typewriters..

jerzey72 said...

Great post. Thanks for the info

Taker said...

I remember when the scantrons were first introduce to our school, really interesting stuff...

+1 follower

Anonymous said...

Love the post Followed

Johny said...

Nice find!

InfinitePlans said...

I truly think computers are one of the best things to happen to education in the last years and I'm all for it being even more implemented.

Shockgrubz said...

Good article. I think it's sad that the gaming industry as a whole has gotten a bad rap.

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